Monday, November 29, 2010

Australian Economy This year

It seems as though Australia has done pretty well for themselves coming through the recession. Over the past few years Australia was the first G-20 nation to tighten monetary policy. People generally refer to Australia as the Canada of down under. The two countries seem interchangeable aside from the goofy accents!
In 2009 Australia had its lowest amount of growth in a few years, but it was still at .8%. It is not a negative!
Australia relies on its tourism and service sectors.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Growth in India

India’s economy is expected to grow 8.5% in the current year and 9% in 2010/11, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Friday.
“However, high unemployment in countries that are industrialized, threatens a revival of protectionist sentiment, especially since the use of conventional monetary and fiscal tools to revive the economy has been exhausted,” he said in a speech at the plenary session of the G-20 summit in Seoul.
India’s economy grew 9% in each of the four years prior to the economic crisis but slowed to 6.7% growth in 2008-09.
“Uncertainty about the prospects of inudstrialised countries affects the investment climate and dampens the medium-term growtn prospects of emerging market countries,” Singh said.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

GDP in India for the last years

The GDP of India, even after the opening up of the economy and other relaxed norms couldn't survive the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The GDP of India over the past two fiscals (2008-09 and 2009-10) experienced considerable slowdown. india should Expecte  a 9% GDP growth by 2012 is immensely impractical, looking at the rate at which things are improving.

In my opinion, one reason of the for fall in 2008 is the economy the power of the purshase in india and china is went up and this make the inflation. that what I thinks what happen in the big falls.