we will find that Australia ranks much higher in Education (14th and 88th out of 100 countries), Health (7th and 81st), Quality of life (11th and 87th), and Political Environment (16th and 48th). On Economic Dynamism the ranking is a little bit closer (18th and 38th).
The past few years have been very tough on the world as a whole. It is interesting though to see India coming up in the world as one of the fastest growing economies. As per the bloomberg report on Sept. 27, 2010 http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-09-26/india-economy-forecast-to-grow-8-5-this-year-ahluwalia-says.html
there is an estimated growth of 8.5% this year. India is still a developing nation, but is having a fantastic growth period and emerging as one of the top software developers, and producers in the world.
Australia has had her share of tough economic times in the past, but continues to build upon its strong commonwealth history. They continue to lead in exports of mining material and raw resources.
It will be fun to look at how the economies and the health of these two countries change over the next months.